4 Nov 2013

Professor Terry Schultzi intensiivkursus “Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) in Predictive Toxicology: Past, Present and Future”

Posted by LOFY


Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) in Predictive Toxicology: Past, Present and Future

University of Tennessee, Knoxville (TN), USA
Toimub kahel järjestikusel päeval TÜ Keemia Instituudis (Chemicum) Ravila 14 A, Tartu:
Esmaspäev, 4.november 2013 a., kell 14:00 – 17:00 (kolm tundi vaheaegadega), aud. 1100
Teisipäev, 5.november 2013 a., kell 10:00 – 13:00 (kolm tundi vaheaegadega), aud. 1019

Loengupidaja tutvustus:
Professor Schultz is the most recent INTERNATIONAL QSAR AWARD winner where he was acknowledged for his remarkable and unique contribution to developing robust, high quality datasets for toxicity modeling; his persistence in promoting the uptake and applicability of QSARs, the mechanistic basis of toxicology and modeling; and, more recently, the management of the OECD QSAR Toolbox project. For more information see:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1062936X.2013.792496 & http://qsar2012.ut.ee/awards/international-qsar-award/

Intensiivkursuse lühitutvustus:
The six lecture series, which Professor Schultz will be presenting, is designed to review QSAR and predictive toxicology from development of the first toxicological-related chemical structure biological activity relationships in 1863 to the in silico tools of tomorrow. Lecture one, “BACKGROUND & SCOPE OF PREDICTIVE TOXICOLOGY” is designed to introduce course participants to the field of toxicology, especially its predictivity. Lecture two, “A HISTORY OF SAR: THE FIRST CENTURY” will focus on the three aspects of a QSAR and the lessons learned prior to the in silico breakthrough. Lecture three, “A HISTORY OF SAR: THE IN SILICO ERA” will review the use of high capacity computing and focus on the development knowledge-based expert systems. Lecture 4, “EXAMPLES OF SAR MODELING” will build on the inital lectures and demonstrate a variety of predictive toxicological models from simple Hansch-type regression models to principal component analysis. Lecture 5, “THE FUTURE OF QSAR AND PREDICTIVE TOXICOLOGY” will link the emerging concepts of read-across, similarity and applicability domain to QSAR and predictive toxicology. The final lecture of the series, entitled: “QSAR AND PREDICTIVE TOXICOLOGY IN A WORLD OF NON-ANIMAL TESTING” will bring the concept of the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) to the science of QSAR and predictive toxicology.

Registreerimine ja kava tudengitele TÜ ÕIS-is (1 EAP aine, LOKT.08.027, mitteeristuv):
Viit (avalikule kasutajale): https://www.is.ut.ee/pls/ois/tere.tulemast?viit=4545451
Viit (ÕISi kasutajale): https://www.is.ut.ee/pls/ois_sso/tere.tulemast?viit=4545451
Registreerimine teistele, kes ei kasuta TÜ ÕIS-i ja ei vaja EAP-sid:
Palun saada e-kiri (lilli.paama@ut.ee) ja teavita oma osalusest

Konsultatsioonid FMTDK doktorantidele ja juhendajatele:
06-15. november 2013, (Teemad eelnevalt saata ja ajad kokku leppida – uko.maran@ut.ee)
Uko Maran (uko.maran@ut.ee), Lilli Paama (lilli.paama@ut.ee), http://fmtdk-2009-2014.ut.ee/

Professor Terry Schultz on Tartus TÜ Keemia Instituudis TÜ ja TTÜ Doktorikooli ”Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad“ (FMTDK) külalisena. Toetab: ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

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