27 Oct 2014
Intensiivkursus “Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”
Dr Subhash C. Singhal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, USA
intensiivkurusus “Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” (LOKT.02.051, 1 EAP)
- 27.10.2014 kell 10.00, Chemicum, aud.1100
“SOFCs: Fuel Cell Principle, Types of Fuel Cells, Thermodynamics ” - 28.10.2014 kell 10.00, Chemicum, aud.1019
”SOFCs: Materials” - 29.10.2014 kell 12.00, Chemicum, aud 1021
“SOFCs: Designs, Fabrication and Performance” - 30.10.2014 kell 10.00, Chemicum, aud.1019
“SOFCs : Worldwide Manufactures and Commercialization Status”
Registreerumine ÕIS-s
Konsultatsioonid FMTDK TÜ ja TTÜ doktorantidele ja juhendajatele 26.10.-01.11.2014
Lisainfo: prof Enn Lust ( enn.lust@ut.ee), Lilli Paama ( lilli.paama@ut.ee), http://fmtdk-2009-2014.ut.ee/
Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079