10 Nov 2011

Professor Vadim Kessler’i loeng “From molecules to nanomaterials soft chemistry approach”

Posted by LOFY

Professor Vadim Kessler (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden) peab Tartu Ülikoolis loengu teemal
From molecules to nanomaterials soft chemistry approach”.

Loengu aeg: neljapäeval, 10.novembril 2011 algusega kell 10.00

Koht: TÜ Keemia Instituudis, Ravila 14 A, aud. 1019

Info: http://fmtdk-2009-2014.ut.ee/
Dr Uno Mäeorg e-mail: uno.maeorg@ut.ee
Dr Tanel Tätte e-mail: tanel.tatte@ut.ee

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

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