30 Nov 2011

Dr Lionel Massi loeng-seminar “Interaction between Lewis superacids catalysts and organic ligands: A quantitative approach of affinity scales using mass spectrometry”

Posted by LOFY

Dr Lionel Massi (Laboratoire de Radiochimie, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice Cedex2, France) peab Tartu Ülikoolis loengu teemal
Interaction between Lewis superacids catalysts and organic ligands: A quantitative approach of affinity scales using mass spectrometry”.

Loengu aeg: kolmapäeval, 30.novembril 2011 algusega kell 16.00

Koht: TÜ Keemia Instituudis, Ravila 14 A, aud. 1019

Konsultatsioonid FMTDK doktorantidele 27.11.2011-02.12.2011

Info: http://fmtdk-2009-2014.ut.ee/
Prof Peeter Burk e-mail: peeter.burk@ut.ee

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

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