Konverents 2010
TÜ ja TTÜ doktorikooli “Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad” esimene teaduskonverents toimus 25.-26. veebruaril 2010 Tartus Dorpati konverentsikeskuses
Konverentsi pilte saad näha siit.
Fotograaf dr Raivo Stern.
Parimad ettekanded
Doktorikooli nõukogu valis parimaks suuliseks ettekandeks Aile Tamm‘e ettekande Atomic layer deposition and characterization of ZrO2-Er2O3 and ZrO2-Gd2O3 nanolaminates.
Ettekande kaasautorid on: Aile Tamm, Indrek Jõgi, Kaupo Kukli, Jekaterina Kozlova, Mikko Heikkilä, MariannaKemell, Timo Sajavaara, Jun Lu, Massimo Tallarida, Väino Sammelselg, Mikko Ritala, Markku Leskelä
Doktorikooli nõukogu valis parimaks posterettekandeks Atanas Katerski postri Phase and elemental composition of spray deposited CuInS2 thin films for solar cells
Kaasautorid: A. Katerski, M. Krunks
Mõlemad doktorandid saavad preemiaks doktorikooli reisiraha.
Konverentsi programm
Suulised ettekanded
Esinemise aeg, doktorant, pealkiri ja kaasautorid
25. veebruar 2010
N11:40-12:00 |
Angela Vaasa Bisubstrate probes in fluorescence polarization-based binding/displacement assays for HTS of protein kinase inhibitors
Angela Vaasa, Marje Lust, Darja Lavõgina, Asko Uri |
N12:00-12:20 |
Reet Reinart Production of a cyclic AMP fluorescence biosensor
Reet Reinart, Ago Rinken |
N12:20-12:40 |
Nadezda Aleksejeva Electrochemical and surface characterization of Au nanoparticle/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites
Nadezda Aleksejeva, J. Kozlova, V. Sammelselg, P. Ritslaid, H. Mändar, K. Tammeveski |
N12:40-13:00 |
Terje Raudsepp Redoxactivity of the polypyrrole films doped with aromatic anions
Terje Raudsepp |
N13:00-15:00 |
Lõuna ja stendiettekannete sessioon |
N15:00-15:20 |
Liis Siinor Electrochemical characteristics of Bi(111) electrode in ionic liquids
Liis Siinor, Karmen Lust, Enn Lust |
N15:20-15:40 |
Tavo Romann Modification of heavy metal surfaces with thiols
Tavo Romann, Hugo Mändar, Kerli Tõnurist, Enn Lust |
N15:40-16:00 |
Kristjan Laes The impedance spectroscopy of hybrid structures based on CuIn3Se5 photoabsorber
Kristjan Laes, Sergei Bereznev, Raul Land, Andres Öpik |
N16:00-16:20 |
Indrek Reile 3-alkylation of cyclopentane-1,2-diones
Indrek Reile, Anne Paju, Margus Lopp |
N16:40-17:00 |
Kristi Timmo Sulfur-containing Cu2ZnSnSe4 monograin powders for solar cells
Kristi Timmo |
N17:00-17:20 |
Liina Kaupmees Study of selenisation of mo and Mo/Cu-Zn-Sn stacked layers
Liina Kaupmees, M.Altosaar; O.Volobujeva |
N17:20-17:40 |
Mati Danilson XPS characterization of indium and copper covered Mo surface after selenisation
Mati Danilson, Liina Kaupmees |
N17:40-18:00 |
Jelena Gorbatšova Water-soluble vitamins analysis by capillary electrophoresis coupled with digital microfluidic sampler (CE-DMFS)
Jelena Gorbatšova, Jaanus Martin, Mihkel Kaljurand |
26. veebruar 2010
R09:00-9:20 |
Renee Joost Microstructure evolution and phase formation of bulk WC-CO composites during carbothermal reduction and reactive sintering from WO3, CoWO4 and C mixtures
Renee Joost, Juri Pirso, Mart Viljus, Sergei Letunovits |
R09:20-9:40 |
Marius Kuningas Nano- and/or ultra-fine grained TiC-NiMo cermets in armour applications
Marius Kuningas |
R09:40-10:00 |
Aleksei Tsinjan Influence of sintering techniques on performance characteristics of TiC-based cermets
Aleksei Tsinjan, Heinrich Klaasen, Jackob Kübarsepp, Harri Annuka |
R10:00-11:00 |
Kohvipaus ja stendiettekannete vaatamine |
R11:00-11:20 |
Karl Kruusamäe Self-sensing IPMC actuating device with patterned surface electrodes
Karl Kruusamäe, Paola Brunetto, Salvatore Graziani, Andres Punning, Alvo Aabloo |
R11:20-11:40 |
Deniss Klauson Aqueous photocatalytic oxidation of selected organic pollutants using carbon-containing titania
Deniss Klauson, Olga Budarnaja, Kristina Stepanova, Marina Krichevskaya, Sergei Preis |
R11:40-12:00 |
Oliver Järvik Ozonation within an activated sludge system using small ozone doses
Oliver Järvik, Inna Kamenev |
R12:00-12:20 |
Martin Järvekülg Metal alkoxide gel film cracking and rolling into tubular microstructures
Martin Järvekülg, V. Reedo, A. Salundi, R. Välbe, A. Lõhmus, U. Mäeorg |
R12:20-12:40 |
Jekaterina Kozlova Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on graphene from HfCl4 and H2O
Jekaterina Kozlova |
R12:40-13:00 |
Artjom Vargunin Peculiarities of the relaxation of fluctuations in two-component superconductors
Artjom Vargunin, T. Örd, K. Rägo |
R14:20-14:40 |
Irina Kärkkänen Gas sensing transduction model for continuous Co3O4 thin films
Irina Kärkkänen, I.Kärkkänen, N.Barsan, T.Avarmaa, M.Kodu, R.Jaaniso |
R14:40-15:00 |
Aile Tamm Atomic layer deposition and characterization of ZrO2-Er2O3 and ZrO2-Gd2O3 nanolaminates
Aile Tamm, Indrek Jõgi, Kaupo Kukli, Jekaterina Kozlova, Mikko Heikkilä, MariannaKemell, Timo Sajavaara, Jun Lu, Massimo Tallarida, Väino Sammelselg, Mikko Ritala, Markku Leskelä |
R15:00-15:20 |
Sven Lange Spatial distribution of crystalline phases in Sm-doped ZrO2
Sven Lange, I. Sildos, E. Lomonova, S. Ushakov |
R15:20-15:40 |
Siim Hödemann On the destructive and non-destructive assessment of strength of thermally toughened glass panels
Siim Hödemann, Jaak Kikas, Hillar Aben, Johan Anton, Andrei Errapart, Helina Klaassen, Marko Lamp |
Doktorant, pealkiri ja kaasautorid
Eron Adoberg The influence of the surface roughness of hard coatings on the coefficient of friction during the initial running-in period
Eron Adoberg, A. Surženkov, V. Podgurski, P. Kulu
Liisa Arike Characterization of proteome dynamics at different growth rates in continuous cultures
Liisa Arike, ,Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, Kaspar Valgepea, Ranno Nahku, Kaarel Adamberg, Raivo Vilu
Kerti Ausmees 2,2′-bipiperidine derivatives as organocatalysts for asymmetric Michael addition
Kerti Ausmees, Marju Laars, Kadri Kriis, Tõnis Kanger, Margus Lopp
Sten Erm Multiplication of the physiological state of E. Coli and L. Lactis in continuous fermentation
Sten Erm, Kaarel Adamberg, Ranno Nahku, Dagmar Undrits, Merli Špitsmeister, Kadri Aller, Raivo Vilu
Ilona Faustova Phosphorylation is switch between non-allosteric and allosteric forms of l-type pyruvate kinase
Ilona Faustova
Tatjana Gretšušnikova Comparative analysis of the oil and supercritical CO2 extract of acorus calamus
Tatjana Gretšušnikova, Anne Orav, Mihkel Koel
Irja Helm Micro-winkler titration method for dissolved oxygen concentration measurement
Irja Helm, Lauri Jalukse, Martin Vilbaste, Ivo Leito
Jelena Hruljova Kukersite oil shale kerogen solvent swelling in binary mixtures
Jelena Hruljova, Vahur Oja, Natalja Savest, Eric M. Suuberg
Margus Kodu Structural and discharging properties of MgO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
Margus Kodu, J Raud, M Aints, T Avarmaa, V Denks, E Feldbach, R Jaaniso, M Kirm, A Maaroos, H Mändar
Atanas Katerski Phase and elemental composition of spray deposited CuInS2 thin films for solar cells
Atanas Katerski, M. Krunks
Karin Kipper Novel eluent components in HPLC-electronspray ionization mass spectrometry
Karin Kipper, Koit Herodes
Kairi Kivirand Rapid assessment of cadaverine with a biosensor
Kairi Kivirand
Irina Klimova Limestone and dolomite powders for coating of ammonium nitrate prills
Irina Klimova, Marina Trubatshenko, Tiit Kaljuvee
Tatjana Knjazeva Capillary electrophoresis for the study of ligand-protein interactions
Tatjana Knjazeva
Aleksandr Kovtun Electrosynthesized moleculary imprinted pedot microrods for IgG-FITC and Av-FITC molecular recognition
Aleksandr Kovtun, Vitali Syritski, Jekaterina Reut and Andres Öpik
Ivar Kruusenberg Electrochemical reduction of oxygen on multiwalled carbon nanotube modified HOPG electrodes in alkaline solution
Ivar Kruusenberg, Margus Marandi, Väino Sammelselg, Kaido Tammeveski
Anneli Kruve Electrospray ionization matrix effect as an uncertainty source in HPLC/ESI-MS pesticide residue analyses
Anneli Kruve, Koit Herodes, Ivo Leito
Heisi Kurig Electrochemical characteristics of titanium carbide derived carbon|1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate electrical double layer capacitors
Heisi Kurig, Tavo Romann, Alar Jänes, Enn Lust
Imbi Kurvet Natural and recombinant bioluminescent bacteria for high throughput toxicity screening
Imbi Kurvet, Angela Ivask, Mariliis Sihtmäe, Monika Mortimer, Anne Kahru
Ivar Kuusik Model simulations of the sub-bandgap energy loss satellites in Si 2P and Be 1S rixs spectra in beryllium composite compounds
Ivar Kuusik, T. Käämbre, A. Kikas, K. Kooser, V. Ivanov
Erki Kärber Determination of charge carrier density in zinc oxide nanorods prepared by chemical spray
Erki Kärber, Arvo Mere
Ann Laheäär Electrochemical behaviour of carbide derived carbons in LiPF6 and LiCF3SO3 non-aqueous electrolytes
Ann Laheäär, Alar Jänes, Enn Lust
Petri-Jaan Lahtvee Growth rate dependent dynamics in lactococcus lactis metabolism studied by omics and metabolic flux analysis
Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, Kaarel Adamberg, Liisa Arike, Ranno Nahku, Kristo Abner, Raivo Vilu
Darja Lavõgina Novel arc-type inhibitors of basophilic protein kinases
Darja Lavõgina, M. Lust, J. Rogozina, E. Enkvist, A. Uri, D. Bossemeyer
Liina Lind Hybrid materials: definition and characterization
Liina Lind
Marje Lust Arc-type high affinity fluorescent probes for high throughput drug candidate screening with FRET and TR-FRET methods
Marje Lust, Angela Vaasa, Erki Enkvist, Asko Uri
Aleksei Mahhov Photoluminescence of Lu3Al5O12:Bi and Y3Al5O12:Bi single crystalline films
Aleksei Mahhov, V. Babin, V. Gorbenko, A. Krasnikov, M. Nikl, S. Zazubovich, Yu. Zorenko
Natalja Makarõtševa Chromatographic analysis of pore water dissolved organic matter from lake Peipsi
Natalja Makarõtševa, Viia Lepane, Tiiu Alliksaar, Atko Heinsalu
Birthe Matsi Productivity in innovation and new product development
Birthe Matsi
Monika Mortimer Effects of copper oxide nanoparticles on cell membrane fatty acid composition of Protozoa Tetrahymena Thermophila
Monika Mortimer, Maša Vodovnik, Romana Marinšek Logar, Henri-Charles Dubourguier, Anne Kahru
Katri Muska Effect of different flux materials on Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 monograin powders
Katri Muska, M. Kauk, T. Raadik, M. Altosaar, M. Danilson
Indrek Must Specification of IPMC equivalent circuit by impedance spectroscopy
Indrek Must, Andres Punning, Urmas Johanson, Tarmo Tamm, Alvo Aabloo
Ivan Netšipailo Etching rates of TiO2 thin films grown by atomic layer deposition
Ivan Netšipailo
Kerti Orumets Glutathione accumulation in mutant and wild-type strains of S. Cerevisiae under conditions of smooth cysteine addition
Kerti Orumets, Ildar Nisamedtinov, Kaspar Kevvai, Ene Viiard, Inga Sarandi, Toomas Paalme
Merit Oss Electrospray ionization efficiency scale of organic compounds>
Merit Oss, Anneli Kruve, Koit Herodes, Ivo Leito
Kairi Otto Influence of technological parameters on properties of indium sulfide thin films deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis
Kairi Otto, A. Katerski, A. Mere, M. Krunks
Madis Paalo Preparation of transparent electrodes based on CNT-s doped oxides
Madis Paalo, Tanel Tätte, Ardi Lääne, Ants Lõhmus, Uno Mäeorg, Ilmar Kink
Anna-Liisa Peikolainen Carbon aerogels from 5-methylresorcinol and formaldehyde in acetonitrile with organic acidic co-monomer
Anna-Liisa Peikolainen, Kristiina Kreek, Mihkel Koel
Peeter Piksarv New insights into the diffraction of light pulses
Peeter Piksarv, Pamela Bowlan, Madis Lõhmus, Heli Valtna-Lukner, Rick Trebino, and Peeter Saari
Margo Plaado Preparation and characterization of dielectrophoretic carbon nanotube fibers
Margo Plaado, Kristjan Saal, Rünno Lõhmus, Ilmar Kink, Ants Lõhmus
Triinu Poltimäe Study of non-isothermal crystallization process of different polyolefins
Triinu Poltimäe, Elvira Tarasova, Andres Krumme
Oliver Pulges Study of alpha-2a adrenergic receptor gene-varaints: focusing on human and rat alpha-2a adrenergic receptor gene-variants
Oliver Pulges, Ago Rinken
Kaija Põhako Preparation and characterization of functionalized carbon nanotube fibers
Kaija Põhako, Margo Plaado, Kristjan Saal, Uno Mäeorg
Rainer Pärna Study of sol-gel prepared nickel doped titania thin films
Rainer Pärna, Urmas Joost, Arvo Kikas, Tanel Käämbre, Ivar Kuusik, Ilmar Kink, Vambola Kisand
Elin Raamat Revision of the gas-phase acidity scale below 300 kcal/mol
Elin Raamat, Agnes Kütt, Jaan Saame, Karin Kipper, Ilmar A. Koppel, Ivar Koppel, Ivo Leito
Karita Raudkivi LCMS as a method for examination differences in brain microdialysates of Le/He rats
Karita Raudkivi
Riin Rebane Development of a sensitive LC-MS compatible analysis method for amino acid determination in honey
Riin Rebane, Koit Herodes
Kärt Reitel Resolution of stereoisomers of 2,2´-bipiperidine
Kärt Reitel
Eva Roos Nerut Potential energy surface of C3H3N
Eva Roos Nerut, Peeter Burk
Kati Roosalu Landfill leachate under combined oxidation treatment
Kati Roosalu
Mihkel Rähn Mesoscopic spectral modulation of light transmitted by a subwavelength aperture
Mihkel Rähn, M. Pärs; V. Palm; V. Hizhnyakov
Siret Saarsalu Synthesis of binaphthylhydrazone ligands and their application in asymmetric synthesis
Siret Saarsalu,
Martinš Sarkans Welding robot cell implementation in SME-S using modular approach – case stuDY
Martinš Sarkans, Lembit Roosimölder
Andrus Seiman Hadamard transform capillary electrophoresis in unmodified commercial equipment
Andrus Seiman, Jetse Reijenga
Jevgeni Shablonin Luminescent protection against the creation of Frenkel defects at the irradiation of NaCl and MgO single crystals by VUV radiation, electrons and swift ions
Jevgeni Shablonin, Aleksandr Lushchik, Cheslav Lushchik, Tiit Kärner, Peeter Liblik, Vitali Nagirnyj, Jevgeni Vasil’chenko
Anna Shugai Creation processes of Frenkel defects in Lu3Al5O12 and Al2O3 single crystals
Anna Shugai
Mariliis Sihtmäe The effect of selected environmental changes to the fatty acid composition of bioluminescent bacteria Aliivibrio Fischeri
Mariliis Sihtmäe, Romana Marinšek-Logar, Maša Vodovnik, Maša Zorec, Henri-Charles Dubourguier, Anne Kahru
Lauri Sikk Computational study of the copper-free Sonogashira cross-coupling reaction
Lauri Sikk, Peeter Burk, Jaana Tammiku-Taul, Andras Kotschy
Jevgeni Sulga Synthesis of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes using chemically prepared catalyst in thermal chemical vapor deposition process
Jevgeni Sulga, A. Lõhmus, I.Kink
Andrei Surzhenkov Wear resistance of the plasma sprayed laser remelted composite coatings
Andrei Surzhenkov, Priit Kulu, Riho Tarbe, Heikki Sarjas, Valdek Mikli, Jyrki Latokartano
Kalev Takkis Cheating in QSAR: how to obtain statistically brilliant but otherwise useless models
Kalev Takkis
Kadi Tamm Analysis of processes in solid oxide fuel cells based on the porous cathodes and anodes
Kadi Tamm, E. Lust, I. Kivi, P. Möller, A. Samussenko, E. Anderson, H. Kurig
Martin Timusk Influence of methyltriethoxysilane precursor and solvent concentration on ormosil dispersed liquid crystal
Martin Timusk, Martin Järvekülg, Rünno Lõhmus, Ilmar Kink, Kristjan Saal
Janno Torop Nanoporous carbide-derived carbon material-based linear actuators
Janno Torop, Mati Arulepp, Andres Punning, Alvo Aabloo
Kerli Tõnurist Specific performance of supercapacitors based on different micro/mesoporous membrane materials
Kerli Tõnurist, Alar Jänes, Thomas Thomberg, Heisi Kurig, Enn Lust
Viktor Vabson Convective effects of a large capacity automatic mass comparator
Viktor Vabson, T. Kübarsepp, R. Vendt, M. Noorma
Taavi Vaikjärv Vibronic transition to a quasi-degenerated state: non-adiabatic interaction with pseudolocal mode
Taavi Vaikjärv
Olga Velts Modeling of calcium dissolution from oil shale ash
Olga Velts
Karin Viipsi Cd sorption on hydroxyapatite in the presence of EDTA in aqueous solution
Karin Viipsi, Staffan Sjöberg, Kaia Tõnsuaadu
Sergei Vlassov A novel biosensing device based on modified quartz tuning fork resonator
Sergei Vlassov
Anton Smirnov Processing and microstructural characterization of WC-Co cermets doped by ZrO2
Anton Smirnov, Eduard Kimmari, Irina Hussainova, Rainer Traksmaa, Irina Preis
Niina Voropajeva Near-edge and bulk regions of semi-infinite two- and three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Niina Voropajeva, Aleksei Sherman