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26 Aug 2014

Seminar „40 years of spectral hole burning“

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Seminar „40 years of spectral hole burning“

Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
Tartu, Physicum (Ravila 14C), Room B103
August 26, 2014

A seminar to mark the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the phenomenon of persistent spectral hole burning in 1974 will take place at the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia on August 26th, preceded by the opening of the new Physics Building (Physicum) on August 25. The topics include overviews on the fundamentals and applications of high-resolution optikal spectroscopy of solids (zero-phonon lines, spectral hole burning, single-molecule spectroscopy) as well as reports on new developments in the field.

Seminar „40 aastat sepktraalsälkamist“

Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut
Tartu, Physicum (Ravila 14C), auditoorium B103
26. augustil 2014

Seminariga tähistatakse 40 aasta möödumist spektrite püsisälkamise nähtuse avastamisest 1974. aastal. Seminarile eelneb 25. augustil Tartu Ülikooli uues füüsikahoone („Physicumi“) pidulik avamine. Seminari teemad hõlmavad ülevaateid tahkiste lisanditsentrite optilise kõrglahutussepktroskoopia alustest ja rakendustest (foononvabad jooned, spektraalsälkamine, üksikmolekulide spektroskoopia) ning uutest arengutest selles ainevallas.

Morning sessioon (10:00-13:00)

Jaak Kikas “Zero-phonon lines – a probe into the nanoworld”
Andrey Naumov „Laser selective spectromicroscopy of myriad single molecules in solid matrices“
Peeter Saari „Spectral hole burning in time domain“
Vladimir Hizhnyakov, Giorgio Benedek „Zero-phonon line probing Fermi excitations in 3He droplets“
Arvi Freiberg „Progress in biological applications of selective spectroscopy: from molecules to cells“
Raivo Jaaniso “General purpose spectrally multiplexed optical memory: historical perspective and nephelococcygia”

Lunch: (13:00-14:00)

Afternoon sessioon (14:00-16:30)

Anshel Gorokhovsky „Ion implanted defects in diamond: mechanisms of homogeneous and inhomogeneous zero-phonon line broadening“
Ilmo Sildos “From RT spectral hole burning up to single photon emitters on basis of diamonds”
Martti Pärs „From spectral hole burning to single molecule spectroscopy and imaging“
Indrek Renge „Hole burning in organic materials as a window to disorder, soft dynamics, and low- temperature photochemistry“
Viktor Palm „Low-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy of organic host- guest systems“

Oral reports 25+5 min

Supported by Graduate School „Functional materials and technologies“ receiving funding from the European Social Fund under project 1.2.0401.09-0079 in University of Tartu, Estonia

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1 Jul 2014

FMTDK suvekool 2014 teemal “Nanomaterials & modern technologies”

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FMTDK suvekool 2014 teemal “Nanomaterials & modern technologies”
toimub 01.07.2014 -03.07.2014 Strand SPA& Conference Hotel, A.H.Tammsaare pst.35, Pärnu.



10.00 Leave from Ravila 14A, Chemicumi to Pärnu
12-13.00 Registratin and accommodation at Strand SPA &Conf. Hotel Pärnu.

13.00-14.00 BUFFET LUNCH

14.00-14.10 Dr. Marco Kirm, Opening of Summer School
Moderators dr. Marco Kirm and prof. Enn Lust
14.10-15.40 (1) Prof. Pavel Kulesza, University of Warsaw, Poland”Importance of Specific Interactions between Noble Metal Centers and Nanostructured Supports in Efficient Electrocatalysis“

15.40-16.40 (2) Dr. Harry Alles , Institute of Physics, University of Tartu. „Graphene studies in the Institute of Physics of University of Tartu (IPUT): Overview”

16.40-17.00 COFFEE-BREAK

17.00-18.30 (3) Dr. Kaupo Kukli, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu.
„Nanomagnetic devices and materials”

kell 18.30-19.30 BUFFET DINNER
kell 19.30-20.30 Workshop, moderators: Dr. Kersti Vaarmets, Dr. Jaanus Eskusson
kell 20.30-23.00 Free time


Moderators prof. Enn Lust, prof. Jaak Kikas
10.00-11.30 (4) Dr. Arno Hiess, European Spallation Source ESS AB, Lund, Sweden „Using neutrons to study materials ”

11.30-11.45 COFFEE-BREAK

11.45-13.15 (5) prof. Jaan Aarik, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu. ”Novel applications of epitaxial processes in technology of nanomaterials”


13.15-15.00 BUFFET LUNCH

15.00- 16.30 (6) Prof. Mikhael Levi, Bar Ilian University Israel. „Advanced Electroanalytical Methods for Studies of Processes Occurring in Supercapacitors and Reachargeable Li-Ion Batteries”

16.30-16.45 COFFEE-BREAK

16.45-17.45 (7) Dr. Maarja Grossberg, Department of Materials Science,Tallinn University of Technology.“ Studies of kesterite type absorber materials for solar cells”
17.45-18.45 (8) Dr. Eneli Härk, Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu.
„ Oxygen Electrocatalysis on a High- Surface Area Pt- Modified Carbon Catalysts”

kell 18.45 BUFFET- DINNER
kell 19.30-21.00 Workshop

kell 21-23 The free time


Moderators prof. Enn Lust and Dr.Toomas Plank
Kell 10.00-11.20 (9) Dr. Kaido Tammeveski , Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu. „ Electrocatalysis of oxigen reduction on nanostructured Pd-based catalysts”
Kell 11.20-12.40 (10 ) Dr. Heisi Kurig, Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu. „Nanoporous carbons – structure and application in energy storage systems”
Discussions and conclusion

Kell 14.00 Leave to Tartu.

Info: http://fmtdk-2009-2014.ut.ee/ ,
Marco Kirm marco.kirm@ut.ee , Enn Lust enn.lust@ut.ee

Registreerumine Lilli Paama lilli.paama@ut.ee kuni 15.06.2014

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

29 May 2014

Kursus “Nanoparticles in the environment: fate and effects”

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Kursus: Nanoparticles in the environment: fate and effects

Loengute aeg: 29.05.2014

Koht: Teaduste Akadeemia, Kohtu 6, Tallinn


  1. 11.30-12.00 Welcome coffee
  2. 12.00-12.15 Opening
    Prof Andres Öpik, Tallinn Univeristy of Technology
  3. 12:15-13:00
    Dr. Anne Kahru, NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia
  4. 13:00-13:45
    Dr. Paride Mantecca, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
  5. 13:45-14:30 Coffee break
  6. 14:30-15:15
    Dr. Giorgio Buonanno, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy
  7. 15:15-16:00
    Dr. Hans Orru, University of Tartu, Estonia
  8. 16:00-16:20 Coffee break

Registreerimine kuni 20.05 e-maili teel Marika.Lunden@ttu.ee

Info: professor A.Öpik, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Andres.Opik@ttu.ee

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

28 May 2014

Carsten Siemers’i loeng-seminar teemal “Titaan ja titaanisulamid”

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Carsten Siemers (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Saksamaa), peab loeng-seminari teemal
“Titaan ja titaanisulamid”.

Loengu aeg: 28. mai 2014 kell 10.00-17.00

Koht: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, ruum täpsustamisel


Titaani metallurgia. Mehaanilised omadused. Metallograafia. Töödeldavus. Kasutusalad meditsiinis, autotööstuses jne.

Info ja registreerimine kuni 23.05.2014.


  1. 10.00 – 11.00 Titaani metallurgia
  2. 11.00 – 12.00 Titaani ja Ti-sulamite metallograafia
  3. 12.00 – 13.00 Ti ja Ti sulamite mehaanilised omadused
  4. 13 – 14.00 Lõuna
  5. 14.00-15.00 Titaanisulamite töödeldavus
  6. 15-17.00 Titaani kasutamine tootmises erinevate valdkondade (auto-, kosmose- ja lennukitööstus, biomeditsiin) näidetel

Info lektori kohta

Carsten Siemers töötab titaani ja titaanisulamite uurimisrühma juhina Braunschweigi Tehnikaülikooli materjalitehnika instituudis. Avaldanud rohkearvuliselt uurimistöid titaaniga seotud teemadel. On juhtinud ja läbiviidud mitmeid teaduse ja tootmise vahelisi koostööprojekte rahvuslikul ja rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Lisaks on C. Siemers Saksamaa Materjalideühingu (German Materials Society) titaani ekspertkomisjoni esimees. Läbivalt tegutsenud tihedas koostöös tootmissektoriga ning osalenud mitmete tööstusele suunatud patentide väljatöötamisel.

Info: Dmitri Vinnikov Dmitri.Vinnikov@ttu.ee(tel 6203705), Marika LundenMarika.Lunden@ttu.ee (tel 6203526),

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

21 May 2014

Jaanus Purga peab loeng-seminari teemal “Me teeme seda targalt- VRG ja põlevkivitööstus tänases majanduses”

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Jaanus Purga, Viru Keemia Grupp AS , arendusdirektor, peab loeng-seminari teemal
“Me teeme seda targalt- VKG ja põlevkivitööstus tänases majanduses”.

Loengu aeg: kolmapäeval, 21.mail 2014 algusega kell 13.15

Koht: TÜ Keemia Instituudis, CHEMICUM Ravila 14 A, aud 1022

Kohvipaus Chemicumi kohvikus pärast loengut.
Diskussioon ja konsultatsioonid FMTDK doktorantidega ja juhendajatega 21.03.2014.

Info: prof Enn Lust enn.lust@ut.ee, dr Lilli Paamalilli.paama@ut.ee,

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

7 May 2014

Dr Martti Pärs peab loeng seminari teemal “Photochemistry on Multichromophoric Complexes”

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Dr. Martti Pärs, Experimental Physics IV, University of Bayreuth, Germany, peab loeng-seminari teemal
“Photochemistry on Multichromophoric Complexes”.

Loengu aeg: kolmapäeval 7. mail 2014 algusega kell 14.15

Koht: TÜ Füüsika Instituudis, Riia 142, aud 108

Konsultatsioonid FMTDK doktorantidele ja juhendajatele 05.05.2014-13.05.2014.

Info: prof Jaak Kikas jaak.kikas@ut.ee, dr Lilli Paamalilli.paama@ut.ee,

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

5 May 2014

Intensive Course ”Special course on Ceramics Processing”

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Intensive Course ”Special course on Ceramics Processing”

5 – 8 May, 2014

Lektor – Dr. Miguel A. Rodríguez, Senior Researcher of Institute of Ceramic & Glass (Spanish Council for Scientific Research).

Miguel A. Rodrigues has received a degree of PhD in Materials Science (Physico-Chemistry of Glasses) in 1985 at the Universitas Complutensis of Madrid.
In 1986 – 1996 he worked in R & D sector of ceramic processing industry. Until 1991 he was the head of the R&D Laboratory of CERATEN, SA company; and then until 1996 he worked at the company “Technology and Innovation Management, SA” as the head of division of Ceramics. In 1996 he joined the Institute of Ceramic & Glass as a Senior Researcher.
He is co-author of more than 260 publications, 10 patents and participant in 14 International projects and in more than 30 R&D&I contracts with the industry.
Dr. Rodríguez has collaborated in the creation of 3 companies on advanced materials, currently being on the board of one of them.


Special course on Ceramics Processing
The course will cover the main aspects of Ceramics manufacturing, from raw materials (Naturals and synthetic) to their processing, considering shape forming and sintering mainly. Finally, an introduction of structural ceramic applications, trying to correlate properties, design, microstructure and processing. From refractory to biomaterials.
Room – TBA

10.00 – 11.30 – Ceramic Raw Materials.

12.00 – 13.30 – Ceramic Shape Forming.
A short review about the main raw materials used in technical ceramics, considering oxides and non-oxide powders and their synthesis methods.
 Natural.
 Synthesis.
 Nanostructured powders.
As one of the most important step in ceramic processing, the main shape forming process will be reviewed, considering wet, plastic and dry methods. Emphasis will be placed on the reasons for choosing one or another method of shape forming.
 Casting.
 Pressing.
 Extrusion
 Others


10.00 – 11.30 – Sintering Ceramics.

12.00 – 13.30 – Consulting at Department of Materials Engineering.

As the most important processing step, the basis for the design of firing cycles will made. After a brief description of the thermal characterization techniques, strategies for the design of firing cycles will be shown.

 Thermal characterization.
 Processes.
 Furnaces
 Examples


10.00 – 11.30 – Structural Ceramics. Applications.

12.00 – 13.30 – Consulting for NanoCom project.

Examples of different applications of structural ceramics by highlighting the factors used in their design will be displayed.

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

4 May 2014

Baltic Neutron School 2014

Posted by LOFY. Comments Off on Baltic Neutron School 2014

The Baltic Neutron School 2014 will be organized by University of Tartu and held in Estonia during May 4. – 8., 2014.

The deadline for abstract submission (http://konverents.fi.ut.ee/bns/Theses.aspx) is March 31, 2014.

The deadline for application (e-mail to: bns@fi.tartu.ee for student support is also March 31, 2014.

The deadline for registration (http://konverents.fi.ut.ee/bns/) and for payment of participation fee is March 31, 2014.

If you need more information, please look at BNS 2014 web-site bns.ut.ee

28 Apr 2014

Prof Gräslundi intensiivkursus “Introduction to biomolecular NMR spectroscopy”

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Introduction to biomolecular NMR spectroscopy

Prof. R.A.O. Gräslund, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Sweden

Kursuse programm:

28.04.2014 algusega 12.15, Chemicum, aud.1100 ”Biomolecular NMR : principles and structure determination”

28.04.2014 algusega 14.15, Chemicum, aud. 1100 ”Biomolecular NMR: molecular dynamics and interactions”

29.04.2014 algusega 12.15, Chemicum, aud. 1020 “NMR studies of misfolding of proteins”

Konsultatsioonid ja praktilised tööd NMR laboratooriumis , Chemicum ruum 1092-1093 FMTDK TÜ ja TTÜ doktorantidele ja juhendajatele 28.04.-29.04.2014.

Registreerumine ÕIS-s, aine LOKT.09.050. Maht 1 EAP.

Info: prof Jaak Järv jaak.jarv@ut.ee

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079

19 Apr 2014

loodusteaduslike erialade doktorantide KOOLITUS-SEMINAR

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19.04.2014-20.04.2014 (laupäev, pühapäev) toimub Voorel, Voore külalistemajas järjekorras VIIES LOTE loodusteaduste doktorandide konverents-seminar.


Formaat ja ajakava sarnane sellega, mis varasematel aastatel:


Eesmärk on õppida esinema laiema avalikkuse ees ja ajakirjanduses, tutvustades oma uurimisteemat või projekti
(i) köitvalt
(ii) arusaadavalt
(iii) lühidalt

Doktorantide ülesanne on teha 15 min ettekanne, mida seejärel arvustatakse vormi ja sisu osas. Koolitajateks ja arvustajateks on profesionaalsed ajakirjankud ja LOTE õppejõud.

Formaalselt on tegemist LOTE õppekavas oleva ainega:
LOLO.00.064 Loodusteaduste doktorantide esinemisoskuste koolitus-seminar 2 EAP.
mille eest esinejad saavad soovi korral 2 EAP (ülekantav üleülikooliliseks valikaineks)

Parematele esinejatele on auhinnad.
Eesmärgikohast paremust hindab juhendajate žürii.

Esinemise soovist palun lahkesti teada anda, saates ettekande teesid: kalle.olli@ut.ee hiljemalt 12. aprill 2014
Ettekannete arv on piiratud, palun kiiresti registreeruda.

LOTE prodekaan —
Kalle Olli

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Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079