26 Aug 2014
Seminar „40 years of spectral hole burning“
Seminar „40 years of spectral hole burning“
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
Tartu, Physicum (Ravila 14C), Room B103
August 26, 2014
A seminar to mark the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the phenomenon of persistent spectral hole burning in 1974 will take place at the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia on August 26th, preceded by the opening of the new Physics Building (Physicum) on August 25. The topics include overviews on the fundamentals and applications of high-resolution optikal spectroscopy of solids (zero-phonon lines, spectral hole burning, single-molecule spectroscopy) as well as reports on new developments in the field.
Seminar „40 aastat sepktraalsälkamist“
Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut
Tartu, Physicum (Ravila 14C), auditoorium B103
26. augustil 2014
Seminariga tähistatakse 40 aasta möödumist spektrite püsisälkamise nähtuse avastamisest 1974. aastal. Seminarile eelneb 25. augustil Tartu Ülikooli uues füüsikahoone („Physicumi“) pidulik avamine. Seminari teemad hõlmavad ülevaateid tahkiste lisanditsentrite optilise kõrglahutussepktroskoopia alustest ja rakendustest (foononvabad jooned, spektraalsälkamine, üksikmolekulide spektroskoopia) ning uutest arengutest selles ainevallas.
Morning sessioon (10:00-13:00)
Jaak Kikas “Zero-phonon lines – a probe into the nanoworld”
Andrey Naumov „Laser selective spectromicroscopy of myriad single molecules in solid matrices“
Peeter Saari „Spectral hole burning in time domain“
Vladimir Hizhnyakov, Giorgio Benedek „Zero-phonon line probing Fermi excitations in 3He droplets“
Arvi Freiberg „Progress in biological applications of selective spectroscopy: from molecules to cells“
Raivo Jaaniso “General purpose spectrally multiplexed optical memory: historical perspective and nephelococcygia”
Lunch: (13:00-14:00)
Afternoon sessioon (14:00-16:30)
Anshel Gorokhovsky „Ion implanted defects in diamond: mechanisms of homogeneous and inhomogeneous zero-phonon line broadening“
Ilmo Sildos “From RT spectral hole burning up to single photon emitters on basis of diamonds”
Martti Pärs „From spectral hole burning to single molecule spectroscopy and imaging“
Indrek Renge „Hole burning in organic materials as a window to disorder, soft dynamics, and low- temperature photochemistry“
Viktor Palm „Low-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy of organic host- guest systems“
Oral reports 25+5 min
Supported by Graduate School „Functional materials and technologies“ receiving funding from the European Social Fund under project 1.2.0401.09-0079 in University of Tartu, Estonia
Toetab ESF projekt 1.2.0401.09-0079